
The curriculum is inclusive and ambitious with high expectations and aims to develop resilience and joy in our students. 

At The Royal Sutton School we have a five-year curriculum delivered by subject specialists.  The curriculum is broad, rich and ambitious and has been designed to ensure that students have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed later in life. In each subject we have identified key knowledge and carefully considered how these are sequenced to ensure ambitious end points. A core principle is that there is no denial of knowledge for any student and that ambition is reflected regardless of prior attainment.

High quality careers education, information, advice and guidance is built into each Key stage to support students with their next steps.

Knowledge Organisers

At The Royal Sutton School we are committed to delivering a knowledge rich curriculum and helping students develop impactful life-long study skills. We know that regular retrieval practice is the most effective way to ensure that we move information into our long-term memory and that simply re-reading texts is not a valuable way of revising.

To support student learning, each department has created a Knowledge Organiser for every unit of their KS3 courses. These valuable documents summarise the exact facts, dates vocabulary, characters, concepts and definitions that students need to revise and secure to help them be successful.  These can be used for revision and self-quizzing and will often be used as homework tasks and in review lessons.

We urge students to use these crucial documents to support their learning and develop independence around reviewing their understanding; identifying gaps in their understanding and taking proactive steps to address them.

Parents can be a huge support too by helping them quiz themselves using the knowledge organisers.

Year 7 Autumn Knowledge Organiserclick here

Year 8 Autumn Knowledge Organiser – click here

Year 9 Autumn Knowledge Organiser – click here

Year 10 Autumn Knowledge Organiser – click here

Year 11 Autumn Knowledge Organiser – click here





How to support your child to use their Knowledge Organiser – click here