SEND Information

At The Royal Sutton School we are committed to ensuring that our students turn their “potential into reality.” Our vision for our students is that they will leave school prepared to: flourish as individuals, contribute to their communities and lead positive change in the world.

In doing so we are wholly committed to meeting the needs of all students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) so that we can develop the whole child and nurture them in a caring environment where they feel that they belong, they can thrive and they can be proud of their achievements.

The Royal Sutton School ensures that all students, regardless of their specific needs are offered high quality inclusive teaching to enable them to make the best possible progress in a mainstream setting so that they are ready for the next stage of their lives. The SEND faculty works symbiotically with highly skilled pastoral leaders with a highly effective, embedded and robust pastoral system to offer extensive pastoral support to all SEND students where students are kind and sensitive to the needs of others so all students can flourish.

To facilitate the very highest standard of learning and teaching for our SEND students, we have regular staff meetings where all teaching staff receive training and updates on our most vulnerable students including our SEND students; this training includes effective strategies to support SEND students and updates on learning support information for individual students about how we can best support them, taking into account their individual needs to ensure that all SEND students are effectively supported so they can reach their full potential.

The Royal Sutton School works within the framework of the Single Equality Act 2010 where students with SEND are treated more favourably where reasonable adjustments are used to offer bespoke support to students with SEND. We are an inclusive school and aim to offer a range of provision to support students with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, and emotional health difficulties or sensory or physical needs. The range of support deployed may be tailored to individual need following thorough assessment by internal or external agencies.

Our SEND team of highly skilled staff have excellent working relationships with an array of external agencies so we can best support our SEND students. Our approach to supporting SEND students is designed to promote students working towards becoming independent and resilient learners and should not be seen in isolation. To facilitate this approach, we have a dedicated Learning Support area and highly skilled staff who support our SEND students. In addition to the expertise of the SENCO, Assistant SENCO and Inclusion Manager, we also have Lead Teaching Assistants who offer support to our SEND students to give them the best possible chance of success in our inclusive setting.

Birmingham City Council Local Offer

Contact Information  

Our Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) can be contacted via email at:

Our Inclusion Manager is: Sarah Allen. She can be contacted via email at:

Our Assistant SENDCo and Access Arrangements Co-Ordinator is Mrs Gail Gilbert.  She can be contacted via email at:

If you would like impartial advice please contact SENDIASS Birmingham at:

Birmingham’s Local Offer contains lots of information for parents: 

The school uses Birmingham Council’s guidance ‘Identifying and supporting Special Educational Needs in Birmingham schools and settings’.

Information about what the specialist services offer can be found on the Birmingham Council web page:

Our case officer is: Samia Solomon 0121 675 0207

The principle officer for our area is: Naseeb Khan 0121 675 1288

Parent Link service and officers can be reached between 09:00 and 17:00 on 0121 303 8461

To read the latest Local Offer Newsletter – please click here

Key Documents

Accessibility Plan

SEN Information report