Character Development

The Royal Sutton School delivers the Department for Educations statutory RSE curriculum, these are included, along with other PSHRE topics, in our character development curriculum. Our character development curriculum also includes additional topics such as careers and learning skills. Our curriculum is built on the foundation of eight moral virtues.  It is our intention to prepare our students for life, to have the knowledge and skills to keep themselves happy, healthy and safe.  Throughout our curriculum we highlight and educate students in the virtues to thrive personally and shape society for the better.

Please click here to view our character development curriculum.

Careers Independent Advice and Guidance

Careers is taught as part of the character education lessons, through off-timetable and other year group specific events during the year.  Students also receive one-to-one independent careers advice.  More information on careers can be found here.


We believe that character virtues are central to forging young people who have not only the skills and knowledge to achieve academically, but the strong moral character to thrive personally and to shape society for the better.  More specifically, character virtues can be “caught” from interactions in our community, “sought” out by people who come to pursue and direct their own character development and “taught” through character education lessons, form time and assemblies.  More information on our eight moral virtues and how they are developed throughout school life can be found here.

Relationship and Sex Education

Relationship and sex education is delivered through the science curriculum and character education lessons and visiting speakers. The aims are to provide students with accurate information to help them clarify their own values and attitudes, and to help them practise skills in communication and decision making, which in turn will enable them to make informed choices.