
What does a Royal Sutton School lesson look like? 

Above all else a The Royal Sutton School lesson is shaped by the curriculum and subject expertise of the teacher and the faculty. Our lesson structure gives freedom to teachers to develop the most effective ways to deliver their subjects and implement their curriculum intentions.

We do ensure a number of common pedagogical features to our lessons, informed by the best evidence-based research into improving student outcomes. Lessons begin with a Do It Now, typically a tool for consolidating memory of knowledge, and usually with brief self-assessment.

Teacher exposition then outlines the new learning, and how it fits into the curriculum, this exposition is chunked with opportunities for checking students’ understanding. This is then typically supported by high quality modelling of what is expected of the students. Lessons also include deliberate practice, with a suitable level of challenge for the students, and teachers circulating the classroom, intentionally monitoring (live marking), for students’ understanding and providing targeted support. Students are supported according to the needs of the moment, as well as according to teacher knowledge of every child, which is informed by the use of a data rich seating plan, and the teacher’s most recent feedback and marking of the students’ work.

Teaching is built on a foundation of lesson preparation both of the content and how best to teach it to the particular class. Students’ knowledge and understanding, and strong independent learning habits, are consolidated through a whole school, systematic approach to homework, this is mainly structured around the use of knowledge organisers which extrapolate the key knowledge from the curriculum.