Vision and Virtues

Our School Motto:  ‘Potential into Reality’

Our vision

At The Royal Sutton School we are committed to ensuring that our students turn their “potential into reality.” Our vision for our students is that they will leave school prepared to: flourish as individuals, contribute to their communities and lead positive change in the world.

We will work together to ensure that The Royal Sutton School students have high aspirations and leave school with the academic achievements and work ethic required to access a career or educational pathway of their choice. They will have the skills, qualifications, and character habits to be self-sufficient and to support their families.

We will inspire our students to be curious and passionate about the world around them and to develop a lifelong love of learning. We will challenge them to become critical thinkers who question precisely and reflect thoughtfully to make informed choices.

We will build our students’ self-esteem to develop confident, articulate and happy young people who actively seek out new experiences and challenges.

Students at The Royal Sutton School will develop the strong moral character needed to navigate the challenges of the modern world with self-assurance and compassion. They will be instilled with a sense of civic duty and contribute to their communities with dedication and pride. The Royal Sutton School students will be role models and leaders, who shape their own futures and the world around them for the better.

This vision drives everything we do at The Royal Sutton School, but we recognise that we cannot achieve this alone. We are proud that our community extends beyond the school gates and are committed to working closely with parents, families, the local community, charitable organisations, business, and education partners to meet the needs of every child.  Together we can ensure that every student turns their ‘potential into reality.”

Our Virtues

The Royal Sutton School is built on a foundation of eight Moral Virtues. We believe that these virtues are central to forging young people who have not only the skills and knowledge to achieve academically, but the strong moral character to thrive personally and to shape society for the better.

Our Moral Virtues are:

Self-Discipline – The ability to manage one’s feelings and conduct oneself appropriately.

Integrity – The quality of being honest and trustworthy.

Kindness – The quality of being friendly, generous, and compassionate.

Gratitude – Feeling and expressing thanks and appreciation.

Courage – Acting with bravery in challenging situations.

Respect – Due regard for someone’s feelings and rights.

Commitment – Demonstrating dedication and determination to achieve a goal.

Service – A humble generosity of time, thought and spirit.

Our Virtuous code of conduct:

We demonstrate Self Discipline:

  • By managing our time to arrive at all lessons on time-every time.
  • By wearing our full school uniform with pride at all times.
  • By being prepared for learning with all our equipment and our daily planner.
  • By working to our full potential in all lessons.
  • By engaging in all learning to the best of our ability.

We demonstrate Integrity:

  • By telling the truth even when this is difficult.
  • By keeping our promises so that others can rely on us.
  • By accepting responsibility for our own actions, good and bad.
  • By avoiding judgement of others and never spreading rumours or gossip.
  • By doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching.

We demonstrate Kindness:

  • By being welcoming, friendly and encouraging to everyone.
  • By offering help when we see others in need.
  • By considering the needs and wishes of others as much as our own.
  • By choosing our words and actions carefully to avoid harm.
  • By forgiving ourselves and others.

We demonstrate Gratitude:

  • By saying “thank you.”
  • By treating our school environment with respect and care.
  • By appreciating the things that our family, teachers and community do for us.
  • By celebrating our achievements and the achievements of others.
  • By making the most of the opportunities and experiences available.

 We demonstrate Courage:

  • By facing up to our mistakes and making them right.
  • By doing the right thing, even when it is difficult.
  • By asking for help and support when we need it.
  • By standing up for others who need our help.
  • By speaking up when we see or know about something that is wrong.

 We demonstrate Respect:

  • By listening patiently and speaking calmly to everyone.
  • By following staff instructions because we trust them to keep us safe and help us to achieve.
  • By acknowledging the views of others, even when we disagree.
  • By apologising when we are in the wrong and trying to make amends.
  • By treating the school environment and the wider community with care.

 We demonstrate Commitment:

  • By attending school on time each day.
  • By attending all lessons on time, every time.
  • By regularly taking part in extracurricular activities.
  • By always being a role model for others, both at home and in our community.
  • By catching up on any missed work to ensure we don’t miss out on learning.

 We demonstrate Service:

  • By clearing up our own rubbish and helping to keep the school site tidy.
  • By giving our talents and time to improve our school and community.
  • By taking on positions of student leadership.
  • By taking opportunities to raise money for charity.
  • By having generosity of spirit, thoughts, words, and actions.