Young Carers

At The Royal Sutton School we are aware that some students may well have caring roles at home. We believe that all children and young people should have equal access to education, regardless of what is happening at home.

When a young person looks after someone in their family who has a disability, suffers mental or physical ill-health or other health-related issues, they may need a little extra support to help them get the most out of school. As a school community, we are very aware of, and responsive to, the particular needs that young carers may have. In this way we aim to provide a supportive environment for those students who may have more responsibility at home than their peers.

If your child is a Young Carer please contact the relevant Head of Year or our DSL Team to find out more about how we can support your child.

Click here to find out more Young Carers | YMCA Sutton Coldfield (