Head’s Blog

Head’s Blog – Posted 17 January 2025

Happy New Year! 

I cannot recall a more challenging end to a term, but I am hopeful that you feel that we got it right for the most part. I want to thank you for the incredible number of emails and messages of support, however I know that the decisions I made around the norovirus were not for everyone, and for that I am sorry.

I am really looking forward to this Spring term as I associate it with being a term that brings hope. It is the term that sees the days become longer and lighter. It is the term where we use the information from assessment week to close the gaps in learning.  We also use this term to support Year 11 in their preparation for their second set of Mock Exams, which start theweek beginning Monday 10 March 2025.

We are looking forward to welcoming the Parents of Year 11 on Thursday 23 January 2025 to our Year 11 Parents Evening.  When I refer to the culture and support that we receive from our community, I very much mean our Parents, Carers and families.  Your support is critical to the success and future of our students, and attendance at Parents’ Evenings can make a huge difference. My staff and I are so grateful for your care, interest and support. If you have not yet made your appointments, we still have slots available to book.

As ever, we are dedicated to ensuring that our teaching at The Royal Sutton School is a continued strength, and the use of students’ iPads is an integral part of this. We are now asking our staff to model annotation of our ‘Key Notes’ slides, as well as use it to explicitly teach vocabulary. Students must have their iPads (which should be charged), every lesson as well as their stylus so they can fully engage in learning. We thank you for your support with this.

As teaching and learning is such an important part of your child’s journey with us, I would like to share that we will be trialing an early finish for students on Friday 4 April 2025 at 2:30pm, to enable important staff training to take place. We hope this will give us dedicated time as staff, to enhance the delivery of the curriculum and secure better outcomes for all our students.

I want to remind you of the importance of attendance and the link to GCSE outcomes. Here are a few statistics that are worth knowing:

  • Students who have attendance above 95%, of which 85% of these students secured a grade 4 or better in Maths and English
  • Students who attend less than 90%, have 20% lower chance of achieving grade 4 or better in Maths and English
  • Students who attend less than 80%, have 50% lower chance of achieving grade 4 or better in Maths and English

Success matters to young people, and it is important that you aim for your child to attend every day they can. It gives them choices for their next steps in life and the confidence to do amazing things as they get older. Attendance is the single biggest factor in determining success at school and is therefore, hugely important. This term we are talking to students about the importance of being in school EVERY DAY!  We are looking for your support in this. We do want to recognise as many students as possible, which is why we are committed to acknowledging all students whose attendance is at or above the school’s target of 96%. If your child is off school for any reason, and has been off for three days or more, even if you have informed us of the absence, members of our attendance team will undertake a safe and well check.

Let’s get to school every day!

This week, it was a delight to see the number of students who got to enjoy one of our Autumn term Rewards Trips to StarCity. We had 60 students in Years 7 & 8 enjoy Tenpin bowling, and 60 students in Years 9 & 10 compete in Laser Battlez. These experiences are an opportunity for students to enjoy time together and know that they have worked hard to earn their place. A huge ‘thank you’ goes to Miss Smart who had to rearrange the trips. I know we are all looking forward to the adventures that the Spring term will bring.

Continuing the visit theme this week, the Year 11 Prom Committee visited Villa Park to put the final touches on their special event. The prom is a significant milestone and a chance to celebrate.  Thank you to the Year 11 team; Mr Cannell, Mrs Halford and Mrs Lockley for making this happen.

In other news, at the end of term we were able to donate a substantial amount of food to our local Food Bank. Given the pressures in society currently, I am so delighted that we have been able to demonstrate the act of service for others. It says a great deal about our young people and families, and I am thankful to Miss Finnegan and Miss Da Silva for showing the way to us all.

I am thrilled to share the winners of our Key Stage 3 RE competition. It is important for students to participate in the wider aspects of school life, as this helps them to understand their place in shaping their own futures and the world around them for the better. I would like to thank Miss Ali for offering students this opportunity and congratulate Destiny S in Year 7 and Lucas H in Year 8.

Our Maths team have launched a ‘loyalty scheme’ to pupils who attend Sparx study club each Tuesday lunch time. We love seeing our regular pupils attend each week, so now we want to offer small rewards to keeps students dedicated to getting support in Maths! The more you practice Maths, the more confident you become in the subject, so please come along.

Lastly, our art department has launched an Instagram page where we can share and showcase the wonderful work that our students produce. Please follow our Instagram page @theroyalsuttonschool_art, and our X page @JohnWillmottSch. Our students and staff are working hard by doing special things. Thank you to Mrs Balnaves, Mrs Fletcher, Ms James and Miss Reid.

Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Safeguarding and Medical Update

Students are reminded that bringing medication, including paracetamol, into school is not allowed. If medication is required, parents must complete a medical form and provide the medication in its original packaging to our school reception. It is crucial that students never share medication with others, as this could have serious, potentially fatal, consequences.

Please click here to view some important parental safeguarding information. If you have a concern that any student is being harmed or is at risk of harm, you can contact our school reception and ask for a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Alternatively, or in the case of school being closed, if you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child or young person you can contact Birmingham children’s advice and support line on 0121 303 1888. The emergency out-of-hours number for CASS is 0121 675 4806.  If you are concerned, always call 999.

You can report any incidents of concern within the school or local community using the SHARP system, which is located on the school website. Click here to view support and guidance services for help and support for children and adults.


Last week, Year 10 had the opportunity to find out more about T Levels. BMet College visited us and delivered some workshops about what T Levels are and the qualifications you can achieve.  For more information, please look at  https://www.tlevels.gov.uk/students/parents.

All students have access to Unifrog, which is a useful resource for finding out about careers and Post-16 courses that are available to them in their local area.  Please encourage students to use this tool at home.


We’re excited to share updates about our SEND and Inclusion spaces to support our students.  We will communicate through our Head’s Blog to keep you informed about our improvements.

Facilities Updates

To better serve students with learning, social, or emotional barriers, we’ve expanded and enhanced our facilities. Here’s how we’re making a difference:

The Hub

This key area of the school now offers two dedicated spaces, one for mentoring, and the other for reflection and self-regulation breaks.

Reflection Room
Students booked into reflection will now work in a larger classroom that also accommodates self-regulation sessions. This combined setup creates a more cohesive support environment. Students will follow a structured timetable, which includes:

  • Reflecting on their choices
  • Private study time
  • Mentoring sessions

Opportunities for 1:1 or group mentoring have been introduced for those students in reflection who need help making better future choices and support for their personal development.

Self-regulation breaks will remain available for students who need this short-term intervention. 

Mentoring Room
The smaller classroom, previously used for reflection, will now be dedicated to mentoring. This space will be refurbished with soft furnishings to create a welcoming and calming environment, ideal for completing mentoring programmes.

The room will support both students from the general student body, who are assigned a mentor, and those receiving mentoring as part of their reflection process.

These changes will help us provide a more integrated and supportive environment, allowing students to access the guidance they need for positive growth.

We’re committed to creating spaces where all students feel supported, valued, and empowered to succeed.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

West Midlands Lord Lieutenant’s Active Young Citizen Award 2024-25

We have lots of students that contribute to their community in their own time. It would be nice if they were recognised for their commitment and self-discipline. All applications should be submitted by Friday 7 February 2025.

Do you have a young person who you know is making a difference in their community? The nomination should reflect the reasons you believe they deserve to be recognised. We want you to capture the key points below so consider, have they:

  • Used their skills and talents to build and strengthen local communities?
  • Assisted in developing legacy through the creation of improved diversity, understanding and reconciliation via community activity?
  • Volunteered and achieved measurable impact on a specific community project?
  • Overcome personal barriers in order to participate in cultural opportunities in their community (educational institution or wider community)?
  • Helped other people overcome barriers and participate in community opportunities?
  • Been innovative in developing or working on a community project?
  • Used their skills and talents to help other people to access opportunities in their community?

If you wish to nominate anyone for this Award, please complete and submit the online nomination form from the West Midlands Lieutenancy website. The nomination form can be downloaded here https://wmlieutenancy.org/what-isthe-young-active-citizen-award/.

Virtues and Virtues Champions

Each week our heads of year nominate a ‘Virtues Champion’ – a person in their year group who has gone above and beyond to demonstrate our virtue of the week. Thank you to our Virtues Champions for leading the way, focusing and practicing:

Head’s Blog – Posted 13 December 2024

I do hope you are all well. As you know, we have had an eventful few weeks with numerous cases of stomach upset. I hope that you and your families were not impacted too greatly. Last week, we had to make the unfortunate decision to cancel our Year 9 Parents Evening. We apologise for the short notice. We know that Year 9 is an important year to receive feedback from teachers, as this will inform you on your option subjects for Key Stage 4. For this reason, we intend to send the Options information to you in the New Year. You can then use this information to inform your conversations with teachers on the re-arranged date of our Year 9 Parents Evening and Options Evening on Thursday 6 March 2025. We ask that you please put this date in your calendar, and I do hope you can join us.

At the end of last week and the beginning of this week, we had to make the very difficult decision to postpone some of our educational trips. I apologise about this; however, I know that you support me in putting the health and safety of our school first. The enhancement of our curriculum is something that we value, and throughout this academic year, staff have made and will continue to make a determined effort to provide experiences for students.

In careers news, girls in Year 10 have been given the opportunity to work with Hannah Simnett, Chief Encouragement Officer of Cherished, and Natasha Groom, an independent financial advisor, in a 7-week programme aimed to enhance their understanding of financial literacy and develop their personal brand. The programme is unique as the students will work directly with Hannah and Natasha, which will foster their confidence and develop their knowledge of how businesses run. There are 10 places and students will have to apply to be part of the programme. I am thrilled that our school and students are the first to experience this unique programme. We know that we have future leaders at The Royal Sutton School, and opportunities such as these help to unlock our student’s potential and open possibilities for them to have a bright and successful future. Thank you to Mr Ahmed and Mrs Norton, who have committed to coordinate the programme for the girls. I know that they are looking forward to reading the applications from our students.

Towards the end of this week, we have had some Christmas Cheer! On Thursday, students were invited to wear Christmas Jumpers & Accessories. We were so pleased with the number of students who joined in to celebrate. On Friday, our catering team went all out in providing a Christmas feast that included something for everyone. Huge numbers of students and staff sat and ate together. It was a special moment with a real buzz in the air.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to share with you some images of our very first school Christmas card. The drawing design is by Maja M in Year 7. However, other students that I would like to commend highly are: Smijin G (7S), Tabatha B (10C), Sarah S (7K), Ethan C (9K). 

I am a very proud Headteacher. The message in our card is particularly significant to us at TRSS, as we know our journey is only possible with our partners who work with us. I would also like to extend my gratitude to you as parents and carers for your ongoing support, recognition of staff and for how you champion us in the wider community. It all makes such a difference. Thank you!

Next week is our Assessment Week for Years 7 to 10. It is vital that all students attend during this week so that they do not miss their exams. The purpose of our Assessment Week is for students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of topics they have studied this term. Year 11 will be having a focused coursework intervention during this week as they have completed their mock exams. 

Please note that students will be dismissed at 2:30pm during this week. Arriva have confirmed that they are unable to provide the 110 service at an earlier time, therefore the 110 service will arrive at it’s normal time. Travel West Midlands will endeavour to try and provide an earlier service on the 813, 814 and 815 routes. We would advise that if your child usually uses one of these services that they know an alternative route home. 

Students in Year 7 to 10 will have their termly Rewards Assemblies and students in Year 11 will have their assembly in January. All those students in receipt of one of our rewards will have worked incredibly hard. We remind our students frequently of the simple recipe for success, ‘turn up, work hard, be nice’. These principles, represented in our moral virtues, make our school community a positive place to be. 

On Thursday 19 December, the PTA are once again offering the students a Tuck Shop and there will be the opportunity to enter a raffle for a chocolate hamper. Previously when we have done this, the students really enjoyed themselves. I am looking forward to this exciting lunchtime activity. 

Bus Timetable Changes from 6 January 2025

The 814 journey operating from Erdington to The Royal Sutton School, which was introduced on 4 November, will be replaced with an additional earlier 815, arriving to school at 08:20. This means there will be two buses on the 815 journey, which should
address the concerns with students being unable to board at stops at Wylde Green, Yenton and Penns Lane.

There will be no changes to the 813 or the two 814 buses operating from Stockland Green. National Express continue to provide five buses across the three routes.

Please click here to access the 813, 814, 815 timetables.

Lastly, I want to wish you all a very happy, peaceful and safe Christmas holiday and New Year. We have a teacher training day on Monday 6 January, so we will look forward to seeing the students at 8.40am on Tuesday 7 January.

Take care,

Nicola Gould

West Midlands Police have partnered with The Children’s Society and British Transport Police to help raise awareness for exploitation. We are working hard with our specialist teams and community partners to disrupt and prosecute criminal gangs exploiting young people.

Do you know the signs of child exploitation? Would you know where to report exploitation if you spotted the signs?

Exploitation can happen anywhere. It happens online and offline. Children are being targeted outside fast food outlets, at shopping centres, through online games, and social media. There are many types of child exploitation including money laundering, stealing from shops, transporting drugs via trains and bus routes. 

You can find out more information from the #LookCloser campaign website here #LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children’s Society (childrenssociety.org.uk) 

If something doesn’t feel right, don’t wait, report it: 

Call the police on 101 or 999 in an emergency 

Text the British Transport Police on 61016 

Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 

Call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 

If you would like to talk to your schools officer about exploitation or your concerns, please get in touch with the school or your local police team today Your area | West Midlands Police.

Please click here to view some important Parental Safeguarding information. If you have a concern that any student is being harmed or is at risk of harm, you can contact our Main Reception and ask for a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Alternatively, or in the case of school being closed, if you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child or young person, you can contact Birmingham Children’s Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888. The emergency out-of-hours number for CASS is 0121 675 4806. If you are concerned, always call 999.

You can report any incidents of concern within the school or local community using the SHARP system, which is located on the school website. To view support and guidance services for help and support for children and adults, click here.

Mrs Lockley met with the first group of Year 11s who will form part of the ‘Student Steering Group for Revision’. The aim of this peer conversation is to evaluate what revision students are finding helpful so we can share this across the Year Group. Initial discussions led us to consider 3 iPad apps:

Goodnotes – Students are using this app to download past papers and mark schemes, and RAG rate them in subject folders, this means that key areas of development can be identified and returned to. Goodnotes also allows students to make flashcards and create notebooks for subjects, topics and papers. The ‘Student Steering Group for Revision’ report that this is a great way to keep revision organised.

Gizmo – This creates decks of flashcards. It has AI capabilities, the ‘Magic Import AI’ allows students to upload a PowerPoint, PDF, YouTube Link or webpage and it then makes flashcards for students to revise from. Students have found this useful as students can join the school leaderboard and use shared decks. The app uses an algorithm to return to students’ less secure knowledge.

Freeform – Allows students to create mindmaps which allow you to add photos and screenshots. Mindmaps are a particularly useful resource to make links between ideas.

Year 11 should now be applying for their post 16 placements, please speak to a member of the Year 11 pastoral team of email our careers’ advisor, Mrs Green if you need support: yvonne.green@trss.bham.sch.uk .  


Please click here for information about how to report absence Attendance – The Royal Sutton School

Virtues and Virtues Champions  

Each week our heads of year nominate a ‘Virtues Champion’ – a person in their year group who has gone above and beyond to demonstrate our virtue of the week. Thank you to our Virtues Champions for leading the way, focusing and practicing: - 

Year 7 ChampionYear 8 ChampionYear 9 ChampionYear 10 ChampionYear 11
INTEGRITYMabel EEmily HTin YRita BLuca M
Year 7 ChampionYear 8 ChampionYear 9 ChampionYear 10 ChampionYear 11 Champion
COMMITME-NTGeorgia WArchie LEllie-May HTaylor BVictor S

Head’s Blog – Posted 28 November 2024

We have so much to look forward to with our students as we head into the winter months. Throughout this week, and this half term, we have had an amazing amount of staff and students involved in visits, interform challenges, sporting fixtures and so much more.

Over the last two weeks, we have had a Year 11 visit to the Birmingham REP to see ‘A Christmas Carol’, students in Years 7-10 participating in the Pictionary Interform Challenge, some of our Year 10’s taking part in a Climate Challenge Debate, along with sporting fixtures in football, a table tennis tournament and dance club. The Royal Sutton School is a thriving community and there is so much more to come as we progress through the year. Again, I am hugely grateful to everyone who makes these events happen, and for the impact they have on our students and their whole school experiences. 

In other events, we have created sculptures out of 30 of our Year 9 student’s drawings for The National Memorial Arboretum Remembrance Project. These students have been invited to The National Memorial Arboretum to see the illuminated trail. I am sure the students will remember this experience. I am so grateful to our students for their creativity and hard work. I am also grateful for Mrs Balnaves, the Art Team and the technicians who supported this experience. Thank you!

The work is breath-taking, I could have shown all pieces, but here are a few of the students designs:

Lessons are stronger than I have ever known, and learning is at the heart of all we do. Our students are more aware than ever of the importance of ambition, aspiration and the need to match those with hard work, both in school and at home. Staff are preparing all students for the assessments this term. These form part of our strategy to build our students’ experience and confidence as they progress through to the Summer assessments. They need to prepare well so that their learning will be the strongest it can be. The students will be well looked after throughout, and I am excited to see how they will do.

Over the past two weeks, Year 11 students have demonstrated exceptional integrity while sitting their mock exams. This vital experience has helped them build resilience and refine their exam techniques. During the upcoming assessment week, they will also have dedicated focus time for their coursework subjects, ensuring they are well-prepared for the external exams in the Summer. These efforts will equip students with the confidence and readiness needed to reach their potential and excel beyond.

Finally, I have been overwhelmed with the response to the Christmas Card Competition.  We have received entries from students across Years 7 – 11. This illustrates the passion and pride that our students have for our school and our new identity as The Royal Sutton School. All students who entered will be recognised with virtue points and will receive a small chocolate surprise. Making the decision on the winning entry was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make yet!  After consulting with Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Balnaves, I have decided upon, Maja M in Year 7. Congratulations on your design for the first ever TRSS Christmas Card!

I would like to remind you that our Christmas Concert is on Tuesday 10 December at 5:00pm – 6:00pm. I do hope you can join us. Our PTA will be there selling refreshments, and there will be a raffle for Christmas Hampers. There will also be other items for sale. The Christmas Concert is a highlight of our Performing Arts calendar and promises to be a wonderful evening.

Our school Christmas Dinner is on Thursday 12 December. It is always a special feast, but is made even more special with music played by our Music Team, supported by some of our Peripatetic music teachers. Students are invited to join the festive celebrations by wearing Christmas accessories.

If you need to replace items for your child, please note that the below are now available to purchase on ParentPay:

  • Heavy duty zip wallet – £2.20
  • A5 diary – £1.69  
  • Whiteboard/pen/eraser – £1.85

A final reminder, please respect all of our local residents when parking. Parking on double yellow lines and grass verges can be a determent to the safety of our students and staff, so we implore you to avoid doing so. We would also like to remind parents/carers that the layby is for buses only. We appreciate that many of our parents/carers want to work with us and thank them for our time and support.

I want to just share a little about some of our students who are doing amazing things beyond school. To begin, Isabelle H in Year 7, achieved 2nd in Vault and 2nd in Floor at the North Birmingham Community Gymnastics Club. This is such a wonderful achievement.  Well Done, Isabelle!

Next is Subhan A in Year 7, this week he showed great initiative and creativity when he crafted his own stylus after misplacing his iPad pen. I was truly impressed by his innovation and problem-solving skills. I am excited to see the contributions he will make to our community in the future.

Take care,

Nicola Gould

West Midlands Police have partnered with The Children’s Society and British Transport Police to help raise awareness of exploitation. We are working hard with our specialist teams and community partners to disrupt and prosecute criminal gangs exploiting young people.

Do you know the signs of child exploitation? Would you know where to report exploitation if you spotted the signs? 

Exploitation can happen anywhere. It happens online and offline. Children are being targeted outside fast food outlets, at shopping centres, through online games, and social media. There are many types of child exploitation including money laundering, stealing from shops, transporting drugs via trains and bus routes. 

You can find out more information from the #LookCloser campaign website here #LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children’s Society (childrenssociety.org.uk).

Call the Police on 999 in an emergency or 101

Text the British Transport Police on 61016

Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000

If you would like to talk to your schools officer about exploitation or your concerns, please get in touch with the school or your local police team today Your area | West Midlands Police.

Mrs Lockley met with the first group of Year 11s who will form part of the ‘Student Steering Group for Revision’. The aim of this peer conversation is to evaluate what revision students are finding helpful so we can share this across the Year Group. Initial discussions led us to consider 3 iPad apps:

Goodnotes – Students are using this app to download past papers and mark schemes, and RAG rate them in subject folders, this means that key areas of development can be identified and returned to. Goodnotes also allows students to make flashcards and create notebooks for subjects, topics and papers. The ‘Student Steering Group for Revision’ report that this is a great way to keep revision organised.

Gizmo – This creates decks of flashcards. It has AI capabilities, the ‘Magic Import AI’ allows students to upload a PowerPoint, PDF, YouTube Link or webpage and it then makes flashcards for students to revise from. Students have found this useful as students can join the school leaderboard and use shared decks. The app uses an algorithm to return to students’ less secure knowledge.

Freeform – Allows students to create mindmaps which allow you to add photos and screenshots. Mindmaps are a particularly useful resource to make links between ideas.

The Year 11 Pastoral Team have made themselves available for a ‘Year 11 Parent Surgery’ every Monday Week 1, Period 1.

Year 11 should now be applying for their post 16 placements. Please speak to a member of the Year 11 pastoral team or email our careers’ advisor, Mrs Green, if you need support: yvonne.green@trss.bham.sch.uk.

Lastly, Year 11 reports will be issued before the end of term with Mock Exam results and Predicted Grades for the Summer. Year 11 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 23 January 2025 3:40pm-6:00pm and we look forward to seeing you there.

Virtues and Virtues Champions  

Each week our Heads of Year nominate a ‘Virtues Champion’. This is a person in their year group who has gone above and beyond to demonstrate our virtue of the week. Thank you to our Virtues Champions for leading the way by focusing and practicing:

Head’s Blog – Posted 15 November 2024

I want to begin this half term’s update with a thank you. I want to thank our staff, students and families for the part they each play in supporting our school and for the incredible start to term. This year it has felt even more special, and that is down to the culture at TRSS and the relationships that support our vision and virtues each day. It has been the strongest start to a year that I can recall, and one we can maintain throughout the rest of the year.

I love celebrating the achievements of our students, so I wanted to share that Alicia W competed in a jujitsu competition over half term in Lisbon, Portugal and won a silver medal. It is such an incredible thing for Alicia to be a part of, and it is very much down to a combination of her talent and hard work. Congratulations!

This week has also been very reassuring in terms of attendance too. I know I talk a lot about the importance of attendance, but I do so for good reason. We know that when our students are in lessons, they are taught brilliantly and make stunning progress. Where that is not the case, the exact opposite is the result, and it should never be that way. Young people have the right to have a good life and getting to school every day helps to achieve that.

Over the past two weeks we have had so much happening across school. On Sunday, I had the opportunity to represent The Royal Sutton School as part of the Sutton Coldfield Remembrance Sunday celebrations. This event is always so special, and I am proud to be part of this significant event to remember those who have given their lives over many years to protect our freedom and allow us to live as we do.  It has the most incredible community feel. I also noticed the incredible number of our students that are part of that community through their involvement in local clubs and groups. Everywhere I looked I saw a friendly face and it gave me another insight into why our students are so special.

Our own celebration in school on Monday was so special too. The whole school gathered on the playground to listen to the Last Post and to reflect, in silence. Over 1000 staff and students did so with such poise and respect. That is The Royal Sutton School at its finest.  Students in Year 9 have been involved with the National Memorial Arboretum, they have written and read out their poems which are available around school.  My thanks go to Mrs Balnaves for providing students with this opportunity.

On Tuesday, we saw lots of odd socks to celebrate individuality and uniqueness.  This week the Phase Leaders, Mr Smikle, Miss Smart and Mrs Halford have been leading assemblies on our support as a community for Anti-Bullying Week.  The feedback from students has been amazing and incredibly mature. They really understand the importance of respecting each other and challenging behaviours that are not acceptable or, indeed, the norm. Please click here for further information.

Last night, we welcomed parents into school for our Year 8 Parents Evening. Support from families is so important to us and I am thankful for how engaged you all are in ensuring we work together for our young people.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our Year 9 Parents Evening will take place on Thursday 5 December 3:40pm-6:00pm. You can book appointments for this via SchoolCloud.

Today was a busy, yet delightful, as we celebrated Children in Need Day. Mr Pursey and our student leaders have raised money by organising a chocolate tombola. It was a great experience, and one where the selflessness of our students shines through once again.

For key dates, please refer to our school calendar.

Exam timetables for Years 7-10 for assessment week are now on student’s Year Group Showbie pages. Our Autumn term assessment week will commence Monday 16 December – Thursday 19 December. During this week students will follow an exam timetable.

It is vital that all students attend during this week so that they do not miss their exams.

The purpose of our assessment week is for students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of topics they have studied this term. Students will be informed about the revision they will need to do in preparation for this week.

Congratulations to the 5 students who were successful in the Sparx Maths prize draw. These students were nominated by their class teacher for their effort, motivation, and resilience in their homework each week. The Maths Team now wait for our next winners at the end of this term. Good Luck to all students at The Royal Sutton School! The maths team welcome all students to attend a Sparx Study Club every Tuesday lunch time.

Our extra curricular activities have launched and the timetable for these will be shared on Showbie. There are a number of different activities at lunchtime and after school. It is really important for students to participate in an extra-curricular activity throughout the year.  Extra-curricular activities allow individuals to pursue interests outside the classrooms to foster a love for learning and help them to discover new passions that can shape their future careers and personal fulfilment. They play a vital role in shaping well rounded, resilient individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of life with confidence and character.

We would like to challenge all students to demonstrate commitment by participating in an extra-curricular activity this year, to receive additional commitment points.

For useful attendance reminders, please refer to our attendance page.

Each week our Heads of Year nominate a ‘Virtues Champion’. This is a person in their year group who has gone above and beyond to demonstrate our virtue of the week. We would like to thank our Virtues Champions for leading the way, focusing on and practicing our virtues.

Year 7 ChampionYear 8 ChampionYear 9 ChampionYear 10 ChampionYear 11 Champion
SERVICECameron KJahlani CKaneez KCarrie ODemario M

A reminder that all of Year 10 will be participating in Work Experience from Monday 19 May – Friday 23 May 2025. Students will need to seek out their own placements and return the consent forms by Thursday 28 November 2024.  Work experience will allow students the opportunity to experience real world skills, such as confidence, independence and organisation. We would also be grateful to hear from you if you are willing to offer work experience to any of our students, please email enquiry@trss.bham.sch.uk

Miss Casey, our Examinations Officer, has provided lots of revision materials for our Year 11 students as they prepare for examinations, and these can be collected from the Head of Year office. Miss Casey will also be supervising Room 75 at lunchtime for those Year 11s who wish to complete work and revise.

Over one million British Empire soldiers were killed during the First World War. More than a century later, more than half a million still have no known grave. ‘The Unknown Warrior’ is a search for the true meaning of camaraderie, service and remembrance.

Take care and we hope to see many of you at our Christmas Concert on Tuesday 10 December 5:00pm-7:00pm, further details to follow.

Nicola Gould